Diapositiva 4 di 71
Von Neergaard, using excised lungs filled with air or liquid, demonstrated that “in all states of expansion surface tension was responsible for a greater part of lung elastic recoil than was tissue elasticity”. Von Neergaard K. Gesant Exp Med 1929
Gruenwald described surface tension as a factor in the “resistance of neonatal lungs to aeration”. Gruenwald P. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1947
Pattle and Clements described the role of surfactant in lung stability during the respiratory cycle. Pattle R.E. Nature 1955, Clements J.A. Proc. Soc Exp Biol Med 1957
Avery and Mead discovered that surfactant deficiency was the cause of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Avery M.E. & Mead J. Am J Dis Child 1959
In 1972 the importance of the hydrophobic proteins was described by Clements and co-workers but successful treatment in humans did not occur until 1980. Clements J.A. Physiologist 1962